ePayments Secure--Credit Card Voids and Refunds

If a transaction has not been settled, you can void it from the patient’s ledger. If a transaction has already been settled, use ePayments Secure to issue a refund.

To refund a credit card payment:

  1. In the patient Transactions List window, select the credit card payment you want to refund, and click on the payment toolbar. The Refund window is displayed.

  2. Click OK. The ePayments Secure—Undo Payments window is displayed.

  3. Click Submit. The ePayments Secure service processes the request and returns a "Void Successfully Completed" notification.

  4. Click Finished. The ePayments Secure—Select a Print Device window is displayed.

  5. Select the device (System Tray App) if necessary, and click Print. The Payment Receipt window is displayed.

  6. Select a printer from the drop-down list, and click Print.