Viewing Appointments for a Family

You can confirm, cancel, view, and reschedule appointments for each family member. You can also view History and Tickler appointments for all family members or access the Daily Appointments window from the Family Appointments window.

To view appointments for a family:

  1. Select an option:

  2. From the Patient List window:

  3. From the Patient window:

The patient Appointments window is displayed.

  1. Click Family Appointments. The Family Appointments window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To include past appointments in the list:

  4. To include Tickler file entries in the list:

  5. To confirm a patient appointment:

  6. To cancel a patient appointment:

  7. To view the details of a patient appointment:

  8. To reschedule a patient appointment:

  1. Click Close twice.