If you are scheduling an appointment from the Patient List or Patient windows, the Patient Appointments window is displayed.
The commands available from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu when using Enhanced Workspace are:
Edit Appt:Edit Appt:Displays the patient's Appointment Card window in edit mode. Use this command to change a patient's appointment.
Cancel Appt:Cancel Appt:Use this command to cancel the selected appointment.
Appt Book:Appt Book:Displays the current date in the Daily Appointments window.
Schedule Family:Schedule Family:Displays the Family Recall window. Use this command to schedule recall appointments for everyone associated with the patient's account.
Auto Schedule:Auto Schedule:Displays the Setup Auto Scheduling Parameters for window. Use this command to set a date range within which to auto schedule a patient appointment. See Setting the Auto Scheduling Book.
Instant Recall:Instant Recall:Displays the first suitable open time slot after the next recall due date in the Daily Appointments window.
Go To Recall Date:Go To Recall Date:Displays the first suitable recall date in the Daily Appointments window. The date displayed in the window is dependant upon the interval of recall and the date of the patient's last exam. If the patient is overdue, the next day is displayed in the window.
Put in Tickler:Put in Tickler:This command is enabled only after an appointment is canceled. Use this command to place the appointment in the Tickler list.
Place in Short Call Tickler:Place in Short Call Tickler:This command is enabled only after an appointment is canceled. Use this command to place the appointment in the Tickler list, and mark it as "short call" to indicate that the patient is willing to be rescheduled on short notice if an appointment becomes available.
Treatment Plan:Treatment Plan:Displays the patient's treatment plan items in the Treatment Plan List window. Use this command to schedule any or all treatment plan procedures.
Confirm:Confirm:Displays the Confirm Appt window. Use this command to confirm patient information. After you confirm the appointment, you are prompted to log a contact for the call.
Print Appointments:Print Appointments:Select an appointment and use this command to print the appointment details.
Print Reminder:Print Reminder:Select an appointment and use this command to print a patient reminder postcard.
Make Referral:Make Referral:Displays the Patient Referral window. Use this command to record an outgoing referral for the patient. The information you enter here is displayed in the Patient Appointments window and on the Info tab of the patient record.
Auto Dialer:Auto Dialer:Displays the Patient Phone Numbers window. If you have a modem set up in the software, you can dial a specific number associated with a patient. If you do not have a modem, this information is displayed for your reference.