Using Practice Central

The Practice Central window contains all your important daily information, provides a focal point for your daily activities, and enables you to view and access key information. Because Practice Central content is customized for each user, office managers and individual users can specify the content contained in the window to reflect each user's responsibilities.

Practice Central content is displayed as static data or linked data. Static data is a view-only list of data. Linked data is a hypertext list of data. Clicking linked data accesses the corresponding function.

The current date and time is displayed in the upper-right corner of the Practice Central window. Clicking Refresh in the upper-right corner refreshes the Practice Central data.

The following links are displayed in the Resource Center section:

The following links are displayed in the Links section:

The following information is displayed in the Production Goals section:

The following data is displayed in the FYI section located in the lower-left side of the Practice Central window:

The left side of the Practice Central window contains the features selected in the Practice Central Preferences window. The information in this section of the window can be customized to ensure information reflects the office responsibilities of the user.



Related Topics

Accessing Information from Practice Central

Setting Practice Central Preferences