Available Scheduler Times:Available Scheduler Times:Displays a list of available scheduling time slots for the selected day range.
Birthday Patients:Birthday Patients:Displays a list of patients who have a birthday that falls within the previous, current, or next calendar week.
End of Day Call Backs:End of Day Call Backs:Displays a list of patients requiring a follow-up call at the end of the current date.
High Dollar Patients:High Dollar Patients:Displays a list of patients with appointments on the current date that cost more than the amount specified in the High Dollar Amount field.
New Patients:New Patients:Displays a list of patients with appointments for the current date who do not have a value in the First Visit field of their patient record.
Office Expert Summary:Office Expert Summary:Displays a list of Office Expert Summary items for the current date.
Office Memos:Office Memos:Displays a list of office memos.
Patients Needing Portraits:Patients Needing Portraits:Displays a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require portraits.
Patients Needing Perio Screening:Patients Needing Perio Screening:Displays a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require perio screening.
Patients Needing to be HIPAA Acknowledged:Patients Needing to be HIPAA Acknowledged:Displays a list of patients with appointments for the current date who have not received a HIPAA notification.
Patients with Overdue Recall:Patients with Overdue Recall:Displays a list of patients with appointments for the current date who are overdue and have not been scheduled for a recall.
Patients With User Codes:Patients With User Codes:Displays a list of patients with appointments for the current date who are assigned the user code specified in the User Code field.
Patients With Watches on a Tooth:Patients With Watches on a Tooth:Displays a list of patients with appointments for the current date who have a watch attached to one or more teeth.
Production Goals:Production Goals:Displays the scheduled and actual goals for today, tomorrow, the current week, and current month.
Startup Tasks:Startup Tasks:Displays startup tasks, such as Overdue Reports, Batched Statements, and Pending electronic statements file needs to be transmitted.
Show Patients Needing Medical History Update:Show Patients Needing Medical History Update:Displays a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require a medical history update.
Today's High Balance Patients:Today's High Balance Patients:Displays a list of patients due into the office on the current date that have a balance greater than that specified in the High Balance Amount field.
Today's Memos:Today's Memos:Displays memos for the current date.
Today's Unconfirmed Appointments:Today's Unconfirmed Appointments:Displays a list of unconfirmed appointments scheduled for the current date.
Tomorrow's Unconfirmed Appointments:Tomorrow's Unconfirmed Appointments:Displays a list of unconfirmed appointments scheduled for the next day.
Patients Needing X-Rays:Patients Needing X-Rays:Displays a list of patients, scheduled for the current date, who are overdue for a bitewing, full series, or panoral x-ray. Icons are displayed next to patients to indicate which x-ray type is overdue. If a patient's insurance company allows for x-rays at an interval different from the one your office has set up, an "x" icon is displayed to the right of the x-ray icon. Float over the "x" icon with your mouse to display the time interval for x-rays as listed in the patient's insurance information.
Patients who Referred Others:Patients who Referred Others:Displays a list of patients, scheduled for the current date, who have recently referred other patients to your office.
Patients w/Outstanding TPs not Scheduled:Patients w/Outstanding TPs not Scheduled:Displays a list of patients, scheduled for the current date, who have unscheduled treatment plan items.
Patients Re-entering Practice:Patients Re-entering Practice:Displays a list of patients, scheduled for the current date, who have not visited the office within a specified number of months.
Patients with Multiple Appointments:Patients with Multiple Appointments:Displays a list of patients scheduled for more than one appointment on the current date.
Patients Out on Referral:Patients Out on Referral:Displays a list of patients, scheduled for the current date, who have been recently referred to another office.
Yesterday's Call Backs:Yesterday's Call Backs:Displays a list of patients, scheduled for yesterday, that require a follow-up call to check the patient status.
Document Review:Document Review:Displays a list of documents that need to be reviewed by the user.
Recurring Credit Card Payments:Recurring Credit Card Payments:Displays a list of recurring credit card payments that are due to be authorized.
ePostings Notifications:ePostings Notifications:Displays a breakdown of ePostings payments.
Missed Appointments:Missed Appointments:Displays a list of patients who have missed appointments within the number of days specified in the Appointments Missed Within Last _ Days field in the Content Settings section. The value in this field is set to 7 days by default.
Patients Who Have a History of Being Late:Patients Who Have a History of Being Late:Displays a list of patients who have been late more than the number of times specified in the Patients Were Late More Than _ Time(s) Within Last _ Months field in the Content Settings section. The values in these fields are set to 2 and 18 by default.
eReminders:eReminders:Displays links to reports with pre-defined eReminders criteria, including the Delivery report and the No Confirmation report. This option is enabled only if you have enrolled in the eReminders service.