Setting Up a Scheduler Template

You can set up a scheduler template for each procedure. When the procedure is scheduled, providers are automatically assigned. To use this feature, you must define the provider type in each provider’s record.

To set up a scheduler template:

  1. Select an option:

  2. Select List > ADA Codes.

  3. From any window, press Ctrl + C.

  4. Select ADA Code List Window from the Power bar. See Using the Power Bar for more information.

The ADA/Transaction Codes List window is displayed.

  1. Select a code and press Enter. The ADA/CPT/Transaction Code window is displayed.

  2. If the procedure requires a hygienist, select Hygiene Code. You cannot assign a hygienist to the scheduler template if this checkbox is not selected.

  3. Click Scheduler/Fees or press Ctrl + Tab to make the Scheduler/Fees tab the active window.

  4. Type the number of time units required to perform the procedure when combined with other procedures in the Multi Time Units field.

Example:Example:While four time units are required to perform one amalgam, you only need two additional time units to perform two amalgams.

  1. Type the number of real time minutes it takes to complete the coded procedure, in the RTU minutes field.

  2. The real time unit is the actual time it takes you to perform a procedure in minutes. For example, 20 RTUs equal 20 minutes.

  1. To use the scheduler template, select Use Scheduler Template. If you use this feature, the selected providers are automatically assigned to the code. A message that warns you of scheduling conflicts is also displayed.

  2. Type the provider assignment code for each time unit in the Scheduler Template field.

Example:Example:If you enter HHDB, a hygienist is assigned for the first two time units, a doctor for the third time unit, and a doctor and assistant or hygienist for the fourth time unit.

  1. Click OK. The Slots and Assignment fields in the Appointment Card window are automatically populated when this procedure is scheduled.

  2. Click Close twice.