Prescription, Pharmacy, and Lab Reports

You can access the following reports from the Reports > RX/Pharmacies/Labs menu:


Report Name



Alphabetical Drugs

Select this report to generate a list of prescriptions in alphabetical order. For more information, see Running the Alphabetical Drugs Report.

As Needed

Drugs By ID

Select this report to generate a list of prescriptions by identification number. For more information, see Running the Drugs by ID Report.

As Needed

Patient Prescriptions

Select this report to generate a list of patients who were prescribed a specific drug within a specified date range. For more information, see Running the Patient Prescriptions Report.

As Needed

Alphabetical Pharmacies

Select this report to generate a list of pharmacies in alphabetical order. For more information, see Running the Alphabetical Pharmacies Report.

As Needed

Pharmacies By ID

Select this report to generate a list of pharmacies by identification number. For more information, see Running the Pharmacies by ID Report.

As Needed

Alphabetical Labs

Select this report to generate a list of laboratories in alphabetical order. For more information, see Running the Alphabetical Labs Report.

As Needed

Labs By ID

Select this report to generate a list of laboratories by identification number. For more information, see Running the Labs by ID Report.

As Needed