Running the Payment Plan Report

The Payment Plan report generates a list of credit card payment plan information, including a summary of the outstanding payment plan balance, the number of payments due, and the average monthly income generated from payment plan payments.

Sample Report

To generate the Payment Plan report:

  1. Select Reports > Accounting > Budget Plan Reports > Payment Plans. The Output Options window is displayed.

  2. Select the output option and click OK. The Payment Plan Report Setup window is displayed.

  3. Select an option:

  1. Click OK. The Payment Plan Report is displayed.

The Payment Plan report contains information similar to that of the Account Budget Plan report. The last page of the Payment Plan report is a summary report.

The following sections of the summary report might require some explanation:

The totals for Month 1, Month 2, and so on, will be the sum of each payment for that month for all active payment plans. Example: