Practice Central Features

Practice Central has received the following enhancements:

Pending Electronic Statements File Link Added to the Startup Tasks Section

A new link—Pending electronic statements file needs to be transmittedhas been added to the Startup Tasks section of Practice Central. If you use Automated Statements and have statements that need to be transmitted, this link is displayed.

Click the link to open the eServices window, where you can transmit the statements.

Missed Appointments Section Added to Practice Central

A Missed Appointments section has been added to the Practice Central window. Each link under the Missed Appointments section contains the patient name, the doctor name, the date for which the appointment was scheduled and missed, and the portrait icon (if the patient has a portrait). Clicking the link opens the Tracked Appointments window (List > Patient > Other Management > Missed/Broken/Late Appointments).

The following options have been added to the Practice Central Preferences window:

A Show Missed Appointments security permission has been added to the Entire List and Practice Central lists of the Rights by User window, and the permission is also found in the Users by Rights window. This permission is assigned to all users and templates by default.

Patients Who Have a History of Being Late Section Added to Practice Central

A Patients Who Have a History of Being Late section has been added to the Practice Central window. Each link under the Patients Who Have a History of Being Late section contains the patient name and the portrait icon (if the patient has a portrait). Clicking the link opens the Tracked Appointments window (List > Patient > Other Management > Missed/Broken/Late Appointments).

The following options have been added to the Practice Central Preferences window:

A Show Patients Who Have a History of Being Late security permission has been added to the Practice Central list of the Rights by User window, and the permission is also found in the Users by Rights window. This permission is assigned to all users and templates by default.

Insurance X-Ray Interval Displayed in Patients Needing X-Rays Section

When SoftDent indicates it is time to take new x-rays—by listing patients under the Patients Needing X-Rays section—the software now checks the patient's insurance information to see how often the insurance company pays for x-rays.

For example: Your office has set the X-Rays Due field in the Practice Central Preferences window to list patients who had their Full Mouth x-rays taken three years ago; however, the patient's insurance company only pays for new Full Mouth x-rays every five years.

When the patient's name is displayed in the Patients Needing X-Rays List, an "x" icon    is displayed to the right of the Full Mouth x-ray icon. Float over the "x" icon with your mouse to display the time interval for x-rays as listed in the patient's insurance information.

eReminders Section Added to Practice Central

An eReminders section has been added to the Practice Central window. If you use the eReminders service, you can click the links in this section to quickly access reports with pre-defined eReminders criteria, including the Delivery report and the No Confirmation report.

An eReminders option has been added to the Practice Central Preferences window, and a Show eReminders Section security permission has been added to the Practice Central list of the Rights by User window and to the Users By Rights window.


See Using Practice Central and Setting Practice Central Preferences for more information.