Running the Outstanding Claims by Company Report

The Outstanding Claims by Company report shows outstanding primary and secondary dental and medical insurance claims sorted by insurance company.

Sample Report

To run the Outstanding Claims by Company report:

  1. Select Reports > Practice Management > Insurance Reports > Outstanding Claims by Co. The Output Options window is displayed.

  2. Select the output and click OK. The Outstanding Insurance Claims by Company window is displayed.

  3. In the Insurance Companies section, click the drop-down arrows to select the starting and ending companies for the report.

  4. Click ePostings Capable Companies Only to report on only those companies that participate in ePostings.

  5. In the Provider section, click the drop-down arrow to select a provider from the list, or leave 999 to report on all providers.

  6. In the Options section, select the options to include in the report, and type a number to indicate the age of the claims.

  7. Click OK.

Additional Outstanding Claims by Company Report Information: