Creating New Books

To create a new book:

  1. Select Scheduler > Setup Books. The Scheduler Books List window is displayed.

  2. Press Enter.

  3. Click Add. The Scheduler Books window is displayed.

  4. Type the name of the new book in the Book Title field.

  5. Type the earliest and latest hours to display the book.

  6. Click OK. The new office book is saved and the Scheduler Book Definition Wizard - Introduction window is displayed.

  7. Read the introduction and click Next. The Scheduler Book Definition Wizard - Options window is displayed.

  8. Select an option:

  9. To display the same rooms every day in the office book:To display the same rooms every day in the office book:Select The rooms will be the same every day and click Next. The Scheduler Book Definition Wizard - Room Selection (All Days) window is displayed. Select the rooms to include in the office book and click Next. The Scheduler Book Definition Wizard - Color Selection window is displayed. Go to step 11.

  10. To display different rooms on different days of the week:To display different rooms on different days of the week:Select The rooms will depend upon the day of the week and click Next. The Scheduler Book Definition Wizard Day Selection window is displayed.

  1. Select the days of the week to set up and click Next. The Scheduler Book Definition Wizard - Room Selection (Selected Days) window is displayed.

  2. Select the checkbox for each room to display and click Next. The Scheduler Book Definition Wizard - Color Selection window is displayed.

  3. If you have not specified the room selection, the Scheduler Book Definition Wizard Day Selection window is displayed. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until the rooms are selected.

  1. Select the room, click Color, select a color for the selected room, and click OK. Select a text color for the room title. Repeat this step until a background and text color is selected.

  2. Click Next. The Scheduler Book Definition Wizard - Finished window is displayed.

  3. Select an option:

  4. To change your setting:To change your setting:Click Previous and repeat the appropriate steps.

  5. To complete the wizard:To complete the wizard:Click Finish.