Setting Up New Holidays

To apply a new holiday to scheduler windows:

  1. Select Scheduler > Holidays. The Setup Holidays window is displayed.

  2. Click Add. A new identification number is displayed in a new row at the bottom of the list, and the Description field is enabled.

  3. Type a holiday description in the Description field and press Tab. The From Date field is enabled.

  4. Type the holiday start date in the From Date field and press Tab. The To Date field is enabled.

  5. Type the holiday end date in the To Date field and press Tab. The Annual option is enabled.

If you are entering a one-day holiday, type the same date in both the From Date and To Date fields.

  1. You must type a date within 21 months of the current date in the From Date and To Date fields. If you leave either of the fields blank or type a date that does not fall within the 21-month date range, a warning message is displayed.

  1. Select an option:

  2. To enter a holiday that occurs on the same date every year:To enter a holiday that occurs on the same date every year:Select Annual. If this option is selected, the holiday is automatically rescheduled each year. If this option is not selected, you must manually reset the holiday each year.  For example, Independence Day is observed on the 4th day of July every year. Select the option to indicate that the office is closed every year on this date.

  1. To enter a holiday that does not occur on the same date every year:To enter a holiday that does not occur on the same date every year:Do not select Annual. For example, Thanksgiving Day.

  1. Click OK. A warning is displayed when you attempt to schedule an appointment on a day defined as a holiday; you can, however, override the system settings and schedule the appointment.

  2. A warning is displayed if an appointment is already scheduled on a day specified as a holiday. You must either reschedule or cancel the appointment.

  1. Click Close.