Setting a Monthly Production Goal

To set a monthly production goal for a specific provider:

  1. Select Scheduler > Setup Goals and Colors. The Month At A Glance (GOAL) window is displayed.

  2. Select Select Provider. The provider name is displayed preceding the calendar.

  3. Select the month and select Distribute Monthly. The Monthly Goal Distribution window is displayed.

  4. Type the monthly goal amount in the Monthly Goal field and click OK. A dialog box is displayed, asking you to apply the monthly goal and daily average to each day.

  5. Select an option:

  6. To apply the monthly goal and daily average to each day:To apply the monthly goal and daily average to each day:Click Yes. The production goal for each day of the month is displayed in the Month At A Glance (GOAL) window.

  7. To save the monthly goal but not apply it to each day of the calender month:To save the monthly goal but not apply it to each day of the calender month:Click No. The Month At A Glance (GOAL) window is displayed.

After you have saved a monthly production goal, you can copy the goal to other days. For more information, see Copying Goals.


Select options from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu.