Filling the InOffice Window

Before you can use InOffice, you must populate the window with patient and appointment information for the current day. The information from the scheduler is used to fill the InOffice window.

To fill in the InOffice window:

  1. Select an option:

  2. Select List > InOffice.

  3. Click InOffice Window in the Power Bar. See Using the Power Bar for more information.

  4. In any window, press Alt + F5.

A blank InOffice window is displayed.

  1. Click Fill InOffice on the toolbar. The Fill InOffice window is displayed. The current date is displayed in the Fill For Date field. You can enter another date if necessary.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To print routing slips for each patient that is scheduled for an appointment for the current day:To print routing slips for each patient that is scheduled for an appointment for the current day:Select Printer Router?. If this option is selected, the Output Options window is displayed. Select the output option and click OK. To print routing slips manually, see Manually Printing Routing Slips.

  1. To remove any appointments left from the previous day:To remove any appointments left from the previous day:Select Clear InOffice and click OK.

  2. To restrict the appointments that are displayed in the window to a specific set of user codes:To restrict the appointments that are displayed in the window to a specific set of user codes:Type the codes in the Only include patient with the User Codes field and click OK.