Typically, it takes no longer than 30 days for insurance companies to process electronic claims. Outstanding claims are defined as claims for which no final insurance payments have been posted. Post all current insurance payments before running this report.
To determine which claims are outstanding, run the Outstanding Claims report every 30 days for electronic and paper claims.
You can generate several reports:
Outstanding Claims by Company:Outstanding Claims by Company:
Outstanding Claims by Patient:Outstanding Claims by Patient:
Outstanding Claims with Benefit to Pat. by Co.:Outstanding Claims with Benefit to Pat. by Co.:
To generate an Outstanding Claims report:
Select an option to run the reports from the SoftDent main menu:
The Output Options window is displayed.
Select Printer and click OK. The appropriate Outstanding Insurance Claims window is displayed.
In the Options section, select the options to include.
To include electronic claims only, deselect all options except Include ECS Claims.
Click OK.