Running the End of Day Call Backs Report

The End of Day Call Backs report generates a list of appointments that are flagged for a follow-up call at the end of the day. Appointments are flagged for a follow-up call when the Call Back Needed checkbox is selected in the ADA/Transaction Codes window for a scheduled procedure, or the Follow-Up Call checkbox is selected in the patient’s Transactions window.

Sample Report

To generate the End of Day Call Backs report:

  1. Select Reports > End of Day Call Backs or select Reports > Recall/Appt > End of Day Call Backs. The Output Options window is displayed.

  2. Select an output option and click OK. The Report Setup window is displayed.

  3. Select the starting and ending dates from the drop-down lists.

  4. Select an option:

  5. To restrict the report to a specific provider:To restrict the report to a specific provider:Type the provider identification number in the Providers section.

  6. To include the account guarantor’s name and telephone numbers in the report:To include the account guarantor’s name and telephone numbers in the report:Select Include Guarantor’s Name and Phone Numbers in Report.

  1. Click OK.

Related Topics

Daily Reports: End of Day