eServices > Using the ePostings Service
ePostings data is handled by several SoftDent utilities.
Utilities that use ePostings data include:
Rebuild/Reindex Utility:Rebuild/Reindex Utility:
The ePOSTINGS ADJUSTMENTS, ePOSTINGS CLAIM, ePOSTINGS PAYMENT, and ePOSTINGS TRANS data files display as selections in the Select Files to Rebuild/Reindex window.
Find/Repair Corrupt Utility:Find/Repair Corrupt Utility:
The ePOSTINGS ADJUSTMENTS, ePOSTINGS CLAIM, ePOSTINGS PAYMENT, and ePOSTINGS TRANS data files display as selections in the Find/Repair Corrupt Records window.
Edit System File Utility:Edit System File Utility:
ePOSTINGS Payment ID and ePOSTINGS Payment Detail ID fields are found on the Edit System File 3 tab in the Edit System File window.
Find Largest ID Utility:Find Largest ID Utility:
The ePOSTINGS Payment File and ePOSTINGS Payment Detail File display as selections on the Find Largest ID window.
For more information about using SoftDent utilities, see Utilities.