Using the eVerifications Claim Status Service

The eVerifications Claim Status Service enables you to check the payment status of an insurance claim. To enroll, contact your sales representative.

To use the claim status service:

  1. Select an option:

  2. In the Treatment Plan List window:In the Treatment Plan List window:Select the item, and select eClaim Status from the Options section of the Express bar.

  3. In the Claim List window:In the Claim List window:Select the claim and select eClaim Status from the Options section of the Express bar.

  4. In the Claim window:In the Claim window:Select eClaim Status from the Options section of the Express bar.

The Claim Status Response window is displayed.

  1. To print the claim status information, click the Printer button.

A copy of the response is saved as a patient document and can be displayed as a claim document. To view or print the claim document, see Viewing Claim Documents.

  1. Click Close twice.