Document Manager Features

The document manager has received enhancements in the following areas:

New Document Tree Organization

To give you more flexibility in grouping and sorting documents, the document tree has been reorganized:

Changes to the Document Manager Window

Several sorting and grouping options have been created to make the structure of the document tree more meaningful. In addition, you can customize the way documents are saved and organized.

Grouping Options

The document manager now includes the following grouping options:

Sorting Options

You can now sort documents within a category using the following options:

See Organizing Documents in the Document Tree for more information.

Customizing Document Categories

A Customize Document Categories option has been added to the System Settings menu (System > Customize Document Categories) and opens the Customize Document Categories window. This window enables you to add and edit categories, as well as change the order in which the categories display in the document manager.

See Customizing Document Categories for more information.

New Change Category Option Added to the Express Bar

A Change Category menu item has been added to the Options section of the document manager Express bar and to the context menu that is displayed when you right-click on a document or image in the document tree. Clicking or selecting Change Category opens the Change Category window, which enables you to assign a different category to the document or image.

See Changing a Document Category for more information.

New Document and Image Icons

Documents and images within a category are automatically assigned icons to help you identify the type of information the image or document contains. Icon types include: KDI images, portraits, STV-IntraOral images, third-party x-rays, PowerPoint presentations, MedVisor images, and documents.

See Document Tree Icons for more information.

Changes to the Documents Add Window

The Documents add window has received enhancements in the following areas:

See Adding New Documents for more information.

Improved Functionality

After you capture a new document and return to the document manager window, the new document is automatically selected in the document tree, to aid you in locating the document.