Clocking In and Out

Clocking In

To clock in:

  1. Select Clock In from the General Operations section of the Express bar. The SoftDent Clock In window is displayed.

  1. Type your user name and password, and click Clock In.


If a fingerprint scanner is attached to the computer and you have a fingerprint in the database, scan your fingerprint.

A window is displayed for verification.

Review the information and click Clock In.

Clocking Out

To clock out:

  1. Select Clock Out from the General Operations section of the Express bar. The SoftDent Clock Out window is displayed.

  2. Type your user name and password, and click Clock Out.


If a fingerprint scanner is attached to the computer and you have a fingerprint in the database, scan your fingerprint.

A window is displayed for verification.

Review the information and click Clock Out.

Clocking Out for Lunch and Clocking In after Lunch

If your practice uses the Track Lunch option (located in the Tracking Options section of the Time Card Preferences window), an Out for Lunch button and a Return From Lunch button are available on the SoftDent Clock Out and SoftDent Clock In windows, respectively.

To clock out for lunch:

  1. Select Clock Out from the General Operations section of the Express bar. The SoftDent Clock Out window is displayed.

  2. Type your user name and password, and click Out for Lunch.

To clock in after lunch:

  1. Select Clock In from the General Operations section of the Express bar. The SoftDent Clock In window is displayed.

  2. Type your user name and password, and click Return From Lunch.


Related Topics

Clocking In Without Clocking Out