eServices > Claim Validation Error Codes
Following is a list of error codes you might receive. Click the error number to view a description of the error and the steps necessary to correct it.
Description: Procedure code(s) indicated may require x-rays.
To correct:
Return to SoftDent, and select Insurance > Review Claim.
Type the claim number requiring x-rays, and click OK. The Insurance Claim Entry window is displayed.
Click Edit, and click the Status tab.
Deselect the ECS checkbox (in the bottom middle of the window), and print the claim to be sent with x-rays.
If you send this claim electronically and the insurance company still requires x-rays or additional information, the insurance company will send a request for information on one of your electronically received reports.
Description: The insurance company only allows the specified number of transactions per electronic claim.
To correct: Distribute the transactions over more than one claim.
Description: The claim has multiple transactions but different places of service.
To correct:
Look on the validation report for the name of the patient with the incorrect place of service.
Return to SoftDent and open this person's Patient window, and click Transactions. The Transactions window is displayed.
Find the transactions that are in the claim. Verify that the place of service matches for each transaction.
Description: Claim is missing other facility information. This error occurs on a claim that has a place of service or facility listed other than In-Office. This occurs with medical procedure codes that cannot be sent electronically with SoftDent.
To correct: Select the claim in the Claim Submission List window and click Delete Claim (one of the Power Buttons on the right). This will place the claim back in the SoftDent print batch for printing at a later time.
Description: This facility's NPI value is empty. Some claims may require that the NPI value be filled in.
To correct: WARNING: The NPI field on the Practice window is empty. This is only used as a type 2 (facility) NPI. Enter NPI if applicable.
Description: The Referring Dr’s NPI value is empty. Some claims may require the NPI for submission and could be rejected.
To correct: WARNING: The NPI field on the referring provider’s screen is empty. Find the correct referring provider within the list and enter the NPI if needed.
Description: This claim's attachment has not been sent to NEA. Please transmit claim when done sending attachments.
To correct: The attachment for this claim has either not been sent or the NEA data was not correctly received. Resend the attachment and verify that the NEA tracking information populates in SoftDent.
Description: The Referring Dr’s First Name is blank. Some claims may require this and could be rejected.
To correct: WARNING: The referring provider used on this claim has a blank First Name field. Find the correct referring provider within the list and enter a first name if needed.
Description: The Referring Dr’s Last Name is blank. Some claims may require this and could be rejected.
To correct: WARNING: The referring provider used on this claim has a blank Last Name field. Find the correct referring provider within the list and enter a last name if needed.
Description: This claim's attachment has been rejected by NEA. Please re-create and send attachment before transmitting claim.
To correct: Attachment was sent but has been rejected by NEA. Please resend attachment, verify that the NEA data populates correctly in SoftDent, and then transmit the claim.
Description: NEA recommends sending attachments prior to transmitting the claim. You should not send this claim yet.
To correct: WARNING: The payer may require an attachment to be sent with this claim. If so, please send the attachment prior to transmitting the claim.
Description: Internal error: Record Count Mismatch.
To correct: If this error occurs, contact eServices.
Description: Incompatible SoftDent version (SOFTDENT.SYS)
To correct: If this error occurs, contact eServices.
Description: SoftDent data conversion started, but not complete.
To correct: Rerun conversion.
Description: Internal error: Could not find field definition for record and field.
To correct: If this error occurs, contact eServices.
Description: This error indicates that the patient record for the specified claim cannot be found. Either the patient and all his transactions have been deleted, or there is a disk error reading this patient record.
To correct:
Return to SoftDent and try to display the patient by name or ID. If the "Patient Not Found"message is displayed, the patient has been deleted.
Return to SoftDent, and select Insurance > Review Claim. Type the claim number and click OK. The Insurance Claim Entry window is displayed, and the claim must be canceled and deleted.
If you do try to display the patient by name or ID and you receive a DBM error, contact eServices Support. You might need to run a utility to repair the patient's record.
After completing these steps, rerun the validation phase to verify that the error doesn't reappear.
Description: This error indicates that the account record for the specified claim cannot be found. Either the account and all the attached patients have been deleted, or there is a disk error reading this account record.
To correct:
Return to SoftDent and try to display the account by name or ID. If the account does not appear, it has been deleted.
Return to SoftDent, and select Insurance > Review Claim. Type the claim number and click OK. The Insurance Claim Entry window is displayed, and the claim must be canceled and deleted.
If you do try to display the account by name or ID and you receive a DBM error, contact eServices Support. You might need to run a utility to repair the accounts record.
After completing these steps, rerun the validation phase to verify that the error doesn't reappear.
Description: This error indicates that the insurance plan record for the specified claim cannot be found. Either the insurance plan has been deleted or there is a disk error reading this insurance plan record.
To correct:
Return to SoftDent and try to display the insurance plan either by name or ID. If the message "Record Not Found" is displayed, the insurance plan has been deleted.
Return to SoftDent, and select Insurance > Review Claim. Type the claim number and click OK. The Insurance Claim Entry window is displayed, and the claim must be canceled and deleted.
If you receive a DBM error, contact eServices Support. You might need to run a utility to repair the insurance plan record.
After completing these steps, rerun the validation phase to verify that the error doesn't reappear.
Description: Unable to get insurance company ID for this claim.
To correct:
Open the Account guarantor window, and make note of the insurance plan ID.
Click Edit, and then click the drop-down arrow next to the dental insurance plan ID. The Insurance Plan List window is displayed.
With the name of the insurance plan selected, click Edit, and the Insurance Plan window is displayed.
Click Edit on the toolbar, and then click the drop-down arrow next to the Insurance Company ID. The Insurance Company List window is displayed.
With the name of the insurance company highlighted, click Edit, and the Insurance Company window is displayed.
If the "Insurance Company ID NOT Found" message is displayed, the insurance company ID has been deleted. Cancel the claim and enter the new insurance company ID in the Insurance Plan window. Then generate a new claim.
If the insurance company ID was found, run the SoftDent Rebuild/Reindex utility, and select All Files. Then reload and validate claims.
Description: This error indicates that the employer record for the specified claim cannot be found. Either the employer has been deleted or there is a disk error reading this employer record.
To correct:
Return to SoftDent, and try to display the employer either by name or ID. If the message "Record Not Found" is displayed, the employer has been deleted.
Remove the employer ID number from the Account window, or add the employer if needed for the claim.
If you receive a DBM error, contact eServices Support. You might need to run a utility to repair the employer record. After completing these steps, rerun the validation phase to verify that the error doesn't reappear.
Description: Unable to get other facility record for this claim.
To correct: The Other Facility record specified on the claim is either invalid or no longer exists. Please cancel the claim, select a valid record, and then resubmit the claim.
Description: Unable to re-read claim.
To correct: Run the SoftDent Rebuild/Reindex utility, and select All Files. Then reload and validate claims.
Description: This error indicates that the billing provider's ID for the specified claim cannot be found. Either the billing provider's ID has been deleted, or there is a disk error reading this ID on the Provider Information window.
To correct:
Return to SoftDent and try to display the billing provider's information window. Verify the number and change it accordingly.
If you receive a DBM error contact eServices Support. You might need to run a utility to repair the billing provider's information.
Return to SoftDent and display the Patient Information window of the patient with the billing provider error.
Look in the lower-right part of the window for the DR. If this is not a valid DR, change it. Once changed or if it is a valid DR, display the patient's Transactions window.
Check ALL the transactions associated with the claim in error (that has the error on the billing provider). Make sure ALL the transactions have a valid production DR and collection DR. Change if necessary.
Open the Outstanding Claims window, and view the claim in error. Check the treating and billing DR on the claim. If they are incorrect, then cancel the claim.
Return to the patient's Transactions window, and press I for Insurance (to resubmit the insurance claim). This will generate a new claim.
After completing these steps, rerun the validation phase to verify that the error doesn't reappear.
Description: Unable to get billing provider no.
To correct: The billing provider record specified on the claim is either invalid or no longer exists. Cancel the claim, select a valid record, and then resubmit the claim.
Description: Unable to get billing provider no.
To correct: The billing provider record specified on the claim is either invalid or no longer exists. Cancel the claim, select a valid record, and then resubmit the claim.
Description: Unable to get treating provider.
To correct:
Verify the DR field on the Transactions window.
Return to SoftDent and try to display the treating provider's Information window. Verify the number and change it accordingly.
If DR field is not valid, cancel and delete the claim. Correct the DR field on the Transactions window, and generate a new insurance claim.
If the treating provider is correct, then you must run the SoftDent Rebuild/Reindex utility and select All Files. Then reload and validate claims.
Description: No ID has been specified for a claim going to a Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Delta Dental, or Medicaid payer.
To correct: Open the Insurance Company window. In the Prov/Prac ID field, specify the correct provider or practice-level ID to use for this claim.
Description: This error indicates the transaction record for the specified claim(s) cannot be read by the computer. There may be a bad spot or an error on the disk.
To correct: It is recommended that single-users run Check Disk to see if there are any disk problems. Users might want to contact their hardware representative for instructions on checking the hard-disk drive for errors.
Description: Error reading transaction record, index may be corrupt for claim.
To correct: Run the SoftDent Rebuild/Reindex utility, and select All Files. Then load and validate claims.
Description: This error indicates that the specified claim(s) contain more than the limit of 50 transactions per claim, unless otherwise specified per payer.
To correct:
Return to SoftDent, cancel and delete the claim, and then remove some of the transactions.
Recreate the claim (resubmit the insurance) with fewer transactions.
Run the Load and Validate options to verify that the error is corrected.
Description: No transactions found for claim.
To correct: The transactions on the claim have a dollar value of $0.00, or the transactions were deleted from the claim. In either case, delete the claim.
Description: Zero dollar transaction not allowed for payer, XXXX not added to claim.
To correct: WARNING: Any zero transaction contained on a claim for this payer will cause a rejection. One or more zero dollar transactions were removed from this claim.
Description: This claim contains an ADA code that was not found.
To correct: In SoftDent, select File > ADA Codes. Type the ADA code in question. If the ADA code was not found, you will need to add the ADA code. If the code was found, run the SoftDent Rebuild/Reindex utility and select All Files. Then load and validate claims.
Description: Invalid provider ID specified for insurance company.
To correct: Open the Provider window, click the ID's tab, and type the correct provider number in the corresponding ID field.
Description: Invalid insurance company type specified. Valid choices are Blue Cross, Commercial, Delta, Medicaid, and None.
To correct: Open the Insurance Company window. In the Payer Type field, under ECS Information, specify the correct insurance company type for this claim by clicking on the drop-down arrow and selecting the company type.
Description: You are not authorized to perform this option.
To correct: A user rights conflict has been detected. Log in as a different user and try again.
Description: Unable to create the Cross Reference File. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Reload and validate claims.
Description: Unable to open the Cross Reference File. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Reload and validate claims.
Description: Error closing the Transmission Summary File. Indicates that the transmission summary file has been created and written to, but cannot be closed.
To correct: Check disk space, and in the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk.
Description: This error indicates that the claim file cannot be created. This file includes all validated claims for transmission.
To correct: There may be several reasons for this failure. Single-users and multi-users should check file handles, disk space, and disk errors.
Multi-users should also check the directory entries and the rights to the SoftDent subdirectory. If this error occurs, contact eServices Support for technical assistance.
Description: Unable to open Claims File. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices reports and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Reload and validate your claims.
Description: This error indicates that the claims file has been created and written to, but it cannot be closed.
To correct: There may be several reasons why this occurs. The file may have become inaccessible because of a disk error, or there may not be enough disk space available now that the file has been updated. Users should contact their service technician for assistance with hardware problems and instructions on checking the hard disk drive for errors. If you cannot resolve the error, contact eServices Support.
Description: This error indicates that the Temporary Claims file cannot be created.
To correct: There may be several reasons for this failure. Single-users and multi-users should check file handles, disk space, and disk errors.
Multi-users should also check directory entries and the rights to the SoftDent subdirectory. If this error occurs, contact eServices Support for technical assistance.
Description: Unable to open the Temporary Claims File. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Reload and validate your claims.
Description: This error indicates that the temporary claims file has been created and written to, but it cannot be closed.
To correct: There may be several reasons why this occurs. The file may have become inaccessible because of a disk error, or there may not be enough disk space available now that the file has been updated. Users should contact their service technician for assistance with hardware problems and instructions on checking the hard disk drive for errors. If you cannot resolve the error, contact eServices Support.
Description: Unable to open the Cross Reference File. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Reload and validate your claims.
Description: This error indicates that the temporary claims file has been created and written and located on the hard disk, but it cannot be read by the computer.
To correct: There may be several reasons why this occurs. The file may have become inaccessible because of a disk error, or there may not be enough disk space available now that the file has been updated. Users should contact their service technician for assistance with hardware problems and instructions on checking the hard disk drive for errors. If you cannot resolve the error, contact eServices Support.
Description: Could not delete previous FTX file %s. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Then reload and validate your claims.
Description: This error indicates that the claim information file cannot be created.
To correct: There may be several reasons for this failure. Single-users and multi-users should check file handles, disk space, and disk errors. Multi-users should also check directory entries and the rights to the SoftDent subdirectory. If this error occurs, contact eServices Support for technical assistance.
Description: Unable to open the Claim Information File. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Reload and validate claims.
Description: This error indicates that the claim information file has been created and written to, but it cannot be closed.
To correct: There may be several reasons why this occurs. The file may have become inaccessible because of a disk error, or there may not be enough disk space available now that the file has been updated. Users should contact their service technician for assistance with hardware problems and instructions on checking the hard disk drive for errors. If you cannot resolve the error, contact eServices Support.
Description: Error writing to the Claim Information File. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Reload and validate your claims.
Description: This error indicates that the claims submission summary file cannot be created.
To correct: There may be several reasons for this failure. Single-users and multi-users should check file handles, disk space, and disk errors. Multi-users should also check directory entries and the rights to the SoftDent subdirectory. If this error occurs, contact eServices Support for technical assistance.
Description: This error indicates that the validation error report cannot be created.
To correct: There may be several reasons for this failure. Single-users and multi-users should check file handles, disk space, and disk errors.
Multi-users should also check directory entries and the rights to the SoftDent subdirectory. If this error occurs, contact eServices Support.
Description: Unable to open the Validation Error Report File. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Reload and validate your claims.
Description: This error indicates that the validation error report has been created and written to, but it cannot be closed.
To correct: There may be several reasons why this occurs. The file may have become inaccessible because of a disk error, or there may not be enough disk space available now that the file has been updated. Users should contact their service technician for assistance with hardware problems and instructions on checking the hard disk drive for errors. If you cannot resolve the error, contact eServices Support.
Description: No valid claims found to submit. The claims file will not be created. There were no claims that passed validation.
To correct: Correct validation errors in SoftDent and try eServices validation again.
Description: This error indicates that the transmission summary file cannot be created.
To correct: There may be several reasons for this failure. Single-users and multi-users should check file handles, disk space, and disk errors. Multi-users should also check directory entries and the rights to the SoftDent subdirectory. If this error occurs, contact eServices Support.
Description: Unable to open the Transmission Summary File. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Reload and validate claims.
Description: This error indicates that the transmission summary file has been created and written to, but it cannot be closed.
To correct: There may be several reasons why this occurs. The file may have become inaccessible because of a disk error, or there may not be enough disk space available now that the file has been updated. Users should contact their service technician for assistance with hardware problems and instructions on checking the hard disk drive for errors. If you cannot resolve the error, contact eServices Support.
Description: This error message indicates an error during the verification process. Claim information could not be found for one or all of the claims in the transmission file.
To correct: It is highly unlikely that this error will occur. If it does, contact eServices Support.
Description: Claims file verification failure.
To correct: Run the SoftDent Rebuild/Reindex utility and select All Files. Then reload and validate claims.
Description: This error indicates that during the submission status update process, an error occurred updating one of the claims. The submission status for the claim specified was not updated.
To correct: It is highly unlikely that this error will occur; however, if it does, you will need to manually update the submission status for the specified claim. If this error occurs, contact eServices Support.
Description: Claims file seek error during verification.
To correct: Run the SoftDent Rebuild/Reindex utility, and select All Files. Then load and validate claims.
Description: This error message indicates that a disk error may have occurred during verification of the claim file. The claim file will not be transmitted.
To correct: If this error occurs, contact eServices Support.
Description: Claims file verification failure. Extra claims found in transmission file.
To correct: Run the SoftDent Rebuild/Reindex utility, and select All Files. Then reload and validate claims.
Description: This error indicates that the specified file cannot be created.
To correct: There may be several reasons for this failure. Single-users and multi-users should check file handles, disk space, and disk errors. Multi-users should also check directory entries and the rights to the SoftDent subdirectory. If this error occurs, contact eServices Support.
Description: Unable to open file. There may not be enough room on the hard disk.
To correct: In the eServices window, select File > Clean up old files. This will remove any eServices report and data files that are over 60 days old from your hard disk. Reload and validate your claims.
Description: This error indicates that the specified file has been created and written to, but it cannot be closed.
To correct: The file may have become inaccessible because of a disk error, or there may not be enough disk space available now that the file has been updated. Users should contact their service technician for assistance with hardware problems and instructions on checking the hard disk drive for errors. If you cannot resolve the error, contact eServices Support.
Description: Error writing file.
To correct: Run the SoftDent Rebuild/Reindex utility and select All Files. Then reload and validate claims.
Description: This error indicates that the specified file has been created, written, and located on the hard disk, but it cannot be read by the computer.
To correct: There may be several reasons why this occurs. The file may have become inaccessible because of a disk error, or there may not be enough disk space available now that the file has been updated. Users should contact their service technician for assistance with hardware problems and instructions on checking the hard disk drive for errors. If you cannot resolve the error, contact eServices Support.
Description: Error seeking record in file.
To correct: Run the SoftDent Rebuild/Reindex utility and select All Files. Then reload and validate claims.