Charting ADA Procedures

All ADA procedures, including non-chartable transactions such as a prophy, can be posted from the charting module. You can chart procedures for both primary and permanent teeth and roots.

To chart ADA procedures:

  1. Select the mode to indicate whether the procedure to be charted is current work, work performed outside your practice, or treatment plan work.

  2. Select the procedure from the Procedure Codes toolbar.

  3. To chart a procedure that is not displayed in the toolbar, select it from the ADA drop-down list located at the top of the toolbar.

  4. You can select only one procedure at a time, but many procedures can be applied to multiple teeth.

  1. Select the tooth. If the procedure requires a surface or quadrant, you can select a single tooth.

  2. If the ADA code is not set up correctly in the practice management software, the procedure cannot be charted. For example, if the tooth or surface requirements are not defined in the ADA/Transactions Code window, the procedure is not graphically represented in the chart.

  1. Click Save All.

  2. If you post a partial denture procedure, the tooth numbers are displayed in the Notes field of the Transactions window. If you neglect to enter the tooth numbers correctly, the Need Tooth Numbers (separate teeth with commas) window is displayed. Type the tooth numbers, and click OK.