Restorative Charting > Using Restorative Tab Toolbars
The Procedure Codes toolbar commands enable you to chart common procedures and post recall and explosion codes. When you select these toolbar commands, the corresponding procedure code is selected based on the number of surfaces or roots you have selected on the chart.
In addition, when you chart more than one instance of certain procedures, each is coded correctly.
You can also select an ADA or transaction code from the ADA drop-down list located at the top of the toolbar.
To add a button to the toolbar, see Customizing Toolbars.
Click the icon for the description of the Procedure Codes toolbar buttons.
Click this button and the appropriate surface to chart an amalgam. |
Click this button and the appropriate surface to chart a resin. |
Click this button and the appropriate tooth to chart a sedative filling. |
Click this button and select the code in the Crowns - Porcelain Fused to Metal window. Select the appropriate tooth to chart a porcelain fused to metal crown. |
Click this button and select the code in the Crowns - Resin Fused to Metal window. Select the appropriate tooth to chart a resin fused to metal crown. |
Click this button and the appropriate tooth to chart a temporary crown. |
Click this button and select the code in the Crowns - 3/4 Cast window. Select the appropriate tooth to chart a 3/4 metal crown. |
Click this button and select the code in the Crowns - Full-Cast Metal window. Select the appropriate tooth to chart a full cast metal crown. |
Click this button and select the code in the Crowns - Stainless Steel window. Select the appropriate tooth to chart a stainless steel crown. |
Click this button and the appropriate tooth to chart a core buildup. |
Click this button and select the code in the Cast Post and Core window. Select the appropriate tooth to chart a post and core. |
Click this button and the appropriate tooth to chart a sealant. |
Click this button and select the code in the Labial Veneer window. Select the appropriate tooth to chart a veneer. |
Click this button and the appropriate surface to chart a root canal. |
Click this button and the appropriate surface to chart an apicoectomy. |
Click this button and select the code in the Implants window. Select the appropriate tooth to chart an implant. |
Click this button and select the surface or quadrant to bleach. Select the code in the Quadrant or Tooth Needed window. |
Click this button and select the code in the Extractions window. Select the appropriate surface to chart an extraction. |
Click this button and the appropriate surface to chart a hemisection. |
Click this button to post a recall code to the patient's Transactions window. The codes specified in the Recall Settings window are used. |
Click this button to chart an intraoral periapical film. |
Click this button and select the appropriate tooth to display the Posted Work for Tooth window. View the details for the work performed on the tooth. |
Click this button to display the Adjunctive Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Orthodontic Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Oral Surgery Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Prosto-Fixed Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Implant Services Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Prosto-Removable Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Maxillofacial Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Periodontal Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Preventive Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Endodontic Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Restorative Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button to display the Diagnosis Codes window. Select the code to use when charting this procedure. |
Click this button and select the appropriate tooth to display the Clinical Notes window. You can add a note, ADA code, or watch status to the tooth. A red notation indicates that the tooth is under critical watch. A blue notation indicates that the tooth is under a normal watch. To view the tooth watch information, select a tooth and click the watch button. |
Click this button to display the ADA/Transaction Codes List window. Select any procedure. |
Select a code and click this button to display a list of all modifiers for a code. If you have not specified any modifiers for the code, no window is displayed. |
Click this button to display the Explosion Codes window. Select from the list of explosion codes. |
Click this button to chart vertical bitewings. |
Click this button to chart a panoramic x-ray. |
Click this button to chart a complete series. |
Click this button to chart a 4-film bitewing. |
Click this button to chart a 2-film bitewing. |