Charting Mixed Dentition

You can chart permanent teeth on a juvenile patient, as well as chart primary teeth on an adult patient.

Charting Permanent Teeth on a Juvenile Patient

To chart permanent teeth on a juvenile patient:

  1. Open the restorative chart for a child younger than your practice's "patient adult age." The chart displays all primary dentition.

  2. To chart a tooth that has been shed, click Chart missing teeth on the Conditions toolbar.

  3. Click on the tooth itself, not the gray box that displays the tooth number. (The tooth changes from a primary tooth with red roots to a permanent tooth with black roots.)

  1. After removing a primary tooth, the permanent tooth displays as "Unerupted." To indicate that the child has a permanent tooth, click Other Conditions on the Conditions toolbar, and select Unerupted from the Clinical Conditions List window.

  2. Click on the permanent tooth. (The Unerupted label is removed.)   

  3. Perform steps 2 through 5 for any number of teeth.

  4. Click Save All.  

Charting Retained Primary Teeth on an Adult Patient

To chart retained primary teeth on an adult patient:

  1. Open the patient's restorative chart. The chart displays all adult dentition.

  2. Click Chart missing teeth on the Conditions toolbar.

  3. Click the permanent tooth (for example, Tooth 6) you want to display as a primary tooth. (The tooth graphic is removed, and a condition of "Missing" is recorded on the Clinical History tab.)

  1. On the Clinical History tab, locate and right-click on the "Charted Missing" condition associated with the primary tooth (Tooth C, the counterpart to Tooth 6 in this example).

  2. Select Delete. A prompt asking if you are sure you want to delete the selected item(s) is displayed.

  3. Click Yes. (The tooth changes from a permanent tooth with black roots to a primary tooth with red roots.)

  4. Perform steps 2 through 6 for any number of teeth.

  5. Click Save All.


An alternate method to chart retained primary teeth on an adult patient:

  1. Open the patient's restorative chart. The chart displays all adult dentition.

  2. Click Chart missing teeth on the Conditions toolbar.

  3. Click the permanent tooth you want to display as a primary tooth. (The tooth graphic is removed, and a condition of "Missing" is recorded on the Clinical History tab.)

  1. Click the gray tooth number box for the permanent tooth you clicked in Step 3. (The tooth number changes from the permanent tooth number [a numeral] to the primary tooth number [a letter]).

  2. Click the blank spot on the arch that was created in Step 3. (The primary tooth number changes to the permanent tooth number.)

  3. Click the gray tooth number box again. (The primary tooth and tooth number are displayed.)

  4. Perform steps 2 through 6 for any number of teeth.

  5. Click Save All.