Treatment Planning > Using the Case Presentation Module > Creating Case Presentations Using PowerPoint
You can insert the following patient information placeholders into a case blueprint or ADA procedure presentation:
Phone number
ADA code
When the patient presentation is assembled, the placeholder is replaced with the appropriate patient data.
To create a case blueprint:
In PowerPoint, select SoftDent Case Presentation Files > New Case Blueprint. The New SoftDent Case Blueprint window is displayed.
Type the case presentation file name in the Enter a filename for the new case blueprint field and click OK. Slide 1 on the new case blueprint is displayed.
To insert a new slide, select Insert > New Slide. The new slide is displayed.
You can insert placeholders for:You can insert placeholders for:
Full or quadrant views of the current restorative chart
Treatment plan primary restorative chart
Treatment plan secondary restorative chart
Presentation manager images
Full or quadrant views of the perio chart
Perio numeric history chart
Most recent extraoral images
Most recent miscellaneous images
Most recent third-party images
Most recent intraoral images
Primary and secondary treatment plans
Both treatment plans
Summary financial information
To insert a placeholder into the slide, select the placeholder from the Insert > SoftDent Placeholders menu.
Move the placeholder to the appropriate location.
After you create the blueprint, click Save and close the PowerPoint software.