Using the Case Presentation Module

Using the case presentation module, you can:

Case blueprints:Case blueprints:Presentations that contain placeholders that denote where to import patient and treatment plan specific information. Use them as outlines for creating treatment plan case presentations.

Example:Example:You can create a blueprint with slides that contain placeholders for patient chart, procedure code, and proposed treatment cost information.

Linking presentations to the ADA procedure codes enables you to include information automatically while building presentations. A default set of presentations are linked with procedure codes when the software is installed.

You can customize the case presentation module to meet the needs of your practice.

Example:Example:You can create a bridge work presentation that includes slides specific to multiple crown and bridge procedures and link the presentation to the appropriate procedure codes.

After you create the presentation, you can:


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Linking ADA Codes to Presentation Files

Building Case Module Presentations

Handling Case Presentations

Creating Case Presentations Using PowerPoint Software