Appt Book:Appt Book:Select this command to display the Daily Appointments window.
Month At A Glance:Month At A Glance:Select this command to display the Month At A Glance window.
History Appointments:History Appointments:Select this command to display the History Appointments Date Range window. In this window, you can select a specific date range of appointments to display.
AutoSched New Appt:AutoSched New Appt:Click an available time slot and select this command to auto schedule an appointment for a new patient. The Setup Auto Scheduling Parameters for window is displayed. In this window, you can enter auto scheduling restrictions for the new patient.
View Appt:View Appt:Select this command to display the Appointment Card window. In this window, you can view, add, edit, and delete procedures scheduled for the appointment.
Edit Appt:Edit Appt:Select this command to display the Appointment Card window in EDIT mode. In this window, you can view, add, edit, and delete procedures scheduled for the appointment.
Confirm Appt:Confirm Appt:Select this command to display the Confirm Appt for window. In this window, you can confirm patient information. After you confirm the appointment, you are prompted to log a contact for the call.
Auto Sched Appt:Auto Sched Appt:Select this command to display the Auto Scheduler Date Range window. In this window, you can set a date range within which to auto schedule a patient appointment. See Setting the Auto Scheduling Book.
Cancel Appt:Cancel Appt:Select this command to display the Cancel/Broken Appointments Wizard window. The appointment information is temporarily saved, and you have the option to reschedule the appointment or save the information to the Tickler file.
Shorten:Shorten:Select this command to shorten the highlighted appointment by one time unit.
Lengthen:Lengthen:Select this command to lengthen the highlighted appointment by one time unit.
Zoom:Zoom:Select this command to display the Assistant window. In this window, you can view additional patient and appointment information. You can also access this information from the Zoom appointment icon.
Check In:Check In:Select this command to check a patient in.
eForms > Review eForms:eForms > Review eForms:Click an appointment and select this command to display a list of eForms completed by the patient. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.
eForms > Send eForms Now:eForms > Send eForms Now:Click an appointment and select this command to send eForms to the patient now. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.
eForms > Add/Remove eForms:eForms > Add/Remove eForms:Click an appointment and select this command to display a window where you can add or remove eForms templates for the appointment. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.
eForms > Patient Settings:eForms > Patient Settings:Click an appointment and select this command to display a window where you can edit a patient's eForms settings. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.
HIPAA Acknowledgement:HIPAA Acknowledgement:Select this command to display the Contacts for window. In this window, you can add HIPAA specific contact information for the patient.
Change Location:Change Location:Select this command to move a patient from the waiting room to the operatory or from the operatory to the waiting room.
Check Out:Check Out:Select this command to check a patient out and display the Appointment Card window. In this window, you can post procedures for the appointment.
Patient Information:Patient Information:Select this command to display the patient record in the Patient window.
CareCredit Integration:CareCredit Integration:Launches the CareCredit software.
eReminders Settings:eReminders Settings:Displays the permitted reminder delivery methods for the patient. This command is enabled only if you have enrolled in the eReminders service.
Patient Chart:Patient Chart:Select this command to display the patient chart in the charting module.
Patient Portrait:Patient Portrait:Select this command to display the patient portrait. If no portrait exists, a message is displayed.
Show Images/Hide Images:Show Images/Hide Images:Select the Show Images command to display portraits associated with the patient at the bottom of the Daily Appointments window. Select the Hide Images command to hide the patient images.
Electronic Router:Electronic Router:Select this command to display the ELECTRONIC ROUTER window. Use this command to view patient personal and financial information. You can also enter follow up appointments in this window.
Tickler > Scan Tickler:Tickler > Scan Tickler:Click a time slot and select this command to display the Tickler Entry window for the patient who has been in the Tickler list the longest and whose procedures require the same amount of time that is available in the schedule.
Tickler > Scan Tickler Short Calls:Tickler > Scan Tickler Short Calls:Click the appropriate time slot and select this command to display the Tickler Entry window for patients whose entries are marked "short call" and whose procedures require the same amount of time that is available in the schedule.
Select Book:Select Book:Click a time slot or appointment and select this command to display the Scheduler Rooms List window. In this window, you can select a book to view. See Displaying Different Books.
Select Room #:Select Room #:Click a time slot or appointment and select this command to display the Scheduler Rooms window. In this window, you can select a room to display in the Display Appointments window. See Viewing Additional Rooms.
Add Note:Add Note:Select this command to display the Assistant window. In this window, you can associate a note with an appointment. Only one note can be associated with an appointment.
Column Properties > Save Width as Default:Column Properties > Save Width as Default:Select this command to save the width of a column as the default.
Column Properties > Make All Rooms Default Width:Column Properties > Make All Rooms Default Width:Select this command to make the width of all columns the default width.
Column Properties > Make All Rooms This Width:Column Properties > Make All Rooms This Width:Select this command to make the width of all columns the width of the selected column.
Column Properties > Save Column Order for Daily Op Schedule:Column Properties > Save Column Order for Daily Op Schedule:Select this command to print the current column order on the Daily Operatory report.
Properties:Properties:Select this command to display the Properties... window. In this window, you can customize how information is displayed in the Book At A Glance window.
Cancel:Cancel:Select this command to close the appointments submenu.