To enter a payment when the card is not present:
In the patient Transactions List window, click Add. The Transaction window is displayed.
In the Code field, select the credit card payment code from the drop-down list and press Tab. The Payment window is displayed.
In the Amount field, type the amount you want to charge to the credit card, and click OK. The ePayments Secure—Take Payment window is displayed with the amount of the charge and the Device Selected field set to the default device (System Tray App) for this computer.
Select Enter Card Information Manually, and then click Submit. The Process Credit Card window is displayed.
Enter the requested information and click the Pay $XXX button, which displays the amount of the charge. The ePayments Secure service processes the transmission and returns a "Payment Successfully Completed" notification and an authorization number.
Click Finished. The ePayments Secure—Select a Print Device window is displayed.
Select the device (System Tray App) if necessary, and click Print. The Payment Receipt window is displayed.
Note: Print Receipt: Yes must be selected on the Practice tab of the ePayments Setup window. For more information, see ePayments Secure--Printing Receipts.
Select a printer from the drop-down list, and click Print.