Medical procedures are indicated by CPT codes and must be added to the system manually.
You can also apply the new CPT code format to standard ADA codes using the software. This format employs the old ADA code number, a prefix of the letter D, and enough zeroes to make five digits on claims.
You can customize individual insurance plans to print the CPT format on a specific claim or on claims for a specific insurance company, or you can customize all claims to use the format. For more information, see Handling Insurance Plan Information.
CPT codes are used to indicate medical procedures and are numbered 10000.00 through 99999.99.
To add a CPT code:
Select an option:
Select List > ADA Codes.
Click ADA Code List Window on the Power Bar. See Using the Power Bar for more information.
In any window, press Ctrl + C.
The ADA/Transaction Codes List window is displayed.
Press Enter and click Add. The ADA/Transaction Codes window is displayed.
Type the code number in the Code field and click OK.
Type an office code in the Office Code field.
Type a code and alternate description in the fields.
The text entered in the Description field is printed on insurance forms, statements, and reports.
When the Alt. Ins Display field is enabled and a medical carrier requires customized coding on claims, type the code.
To print alternate insurance information on a claim, see Handling Insurance Plan Information.
Select the place of service, type of service, code classification, and default diagnosis codes from the drop-down lists. Select the place of service from the appropriate field.
The Place of Service field enables you to assign HCFA codes and descriptions to medical procedures. For more information, see Understanding Account and Patient Transactions.
Verify default diagnosis codes before you enter them.
If you have Medicaid or Medicare plans that require a special code before the CPT code, type it in the HCPCS Code Prefix field. You must select Use HCPCS Codes in the Insurance Plan Claim Filing window to print this code on a claim. For more information, see Adding Insurance Plans.
Select the tooth, surface, and quad from the Tooth/Surface/Quad drop-down list. You must specify the tooth and surface requirement for each procedure code to use the charting module.
Select an option:
Select Taxable. You must first set the Tax Method field in the General System Settings window.
Select an option:
To allow a discount for the CPT code:To allow a discount for the CPT code:
To submit the CPT code on insurance claims:To submit the CPT code on insurance claims:
If you are adding a prosthesis-, crown-, or inlay-related code, select Pros/Crown/Inlay.
Select an option:
To enter data on the Scheduler/Fees tab:To enter data on the Scheduler/Fees tab:
Entering Code Scheduling Information
Handling Insurance Plan Information