Setting Security Levels for an Employee

Each employee requires a security access level assignment that determines which functions he or she can perform. Other security features that apply to individual employees include the following:

To set security levels for an employee:

  1. In the Employee Properties window, click Other.

  2. Click Security settings to set the access level. Security levels range from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest level of access, and 1 being the most restrictive.

  3. If you are setting up the main doctor in the practice, enter a 10 in the Access level field, and then click OK. Security levels for other employees cannot be set up until event security levels are set up. See Assigning Event Security Levels.


To view a new employee in a pick list, exit and re-open the PracticeWorks software.


  1. When you have finished setting up employee properties, click OK. The Employee pick list is redisplayed so you can continue to add employees by clicking Add.

    When you have finished adding employees, click Cancel to close the pick list.


Related Topics

Setting Up Employees

Entering an Employee’s Name and Type

Entering an Employee’s Scheduling Goals

Setting Up Employee Banking Information

Assigning Event Security Levels