Managing Patient Accounts > Using Ortho Contracts
In the top section of the Contract window, enter the information about the contract:
In the Patient field, select the appropriate patient from the drop-down list. All the patients associated with this Responsible Party are listed.
In the Description field, enter a name for this contract. This name appears in the Contract Pick List for this Responsible Party, and prints on the payment schedule and coupon books.
In the Ortho appliance placed – estimated field, enter the date you expect the ortho appliances to be placed.
In the Ortho completion dates - estimated field, enter your estimate for the completion of the patient’s orthodontic treatment. The Ortho completion dates - actual date can be entered when the treatment is complete.
Use the Contract status field to change the status from Pending activation to Active or Closed.
You cannot select Active until a date is entered in the Ortho appliance placed - actual field.
When you activate the contract, the initial fee is charged and the initial insurance claim is generated. The field becomes display-only. When the final activity on the contract occurs, or if you manually close it, the contract status changes to Closed.
Clicking Close entire contract changes the Contract status to Closed, and ensures that no future charges are posted to production.
In the Contract total amount field, enter the total fee for the orthodontic treatment.
In the Estimated Prim ins and Estimated Sec ins fields, enter the amounts that you expect the patient's primary and secondary insurance to pay, if applicable. The amounts are divided into the initial fee and the recurring payments. These fields are disabled if the patient does not have insurance.
PracticeWorks does not estimate this figure. You can submit a pre-determination to get the amount, or you might be familiar enough with the insurance plan to know how much it pays.
In the Resp Party amount field, enter the amount you expect the Responsible Party to pay. This is the contract total amount minus the estimated insurance amounts.
All amounts must be resolved to save the contract.