Configuring the Electronic Credit Card Service

The electronic credit card processing service (ECCPS) has been integrated into PracticeWorks. The ECCPS software is installed automatically when you install the new version of the PracticeWorks software.

When you purchase this service, an eServices implementations specialist will help configure your software for use.

You can access the ECCPS software in the following ways:

The PracticeWorks Credit Card Processing window is displayed. The functions are grouped onto three tabs: Credit Card, Settle, and Utilities.

Select the Always Print Preview option if you want to preview receipts before printing.

Entering, Viewing, and Printing Credit Card Transactions

To enter a credit card charge:

  1. On the patient’s Ledger Card, click the Credit Card button on the bottom right. The PracticeWorks Credit Card Processing window is displayed with the Credit Card tab active.

  2. Click Charge. The PracticeWorks Credit Card Processing Charge Authorization window is displayed.

  3. Follow the instructions in the Status field.

  4. When prompted, click Submit. After the authorization number is retrieved, the transaction code is automatically entered in the Ledger Card window.

  5. Click OK to close the Credit Card Processing Charge Authorization window.

The Credit Card tab also contains the following options:

Settling Transactions

From the PracticeWorks Credit Card Processing window, click the Settle tab to settle the authorizations at the end of the day or retrieve information about previous settlements.

To settle transactions:

  1. Click Settle/Print Authorizations to access the PracticeWorks Credit Card Pending Transactions window.

  2. Click the following buttons as needed:

  3. Mark selected transaction as settled

  4. View the selected transaction

  5. Print pending settlement transactions

  6. Start the settlement process with the bank

  1. To view only settled transactions, select View Settled? in the View Options section.

  2. To search for previously settled transactions, select a date and click the button  in the View Options section.

The following options are also available on the Settle tab:

Using the Credit Card Processing Utilities

From the PracticeWorks Credit Card Processing window, click the Utilities tab to obtain authorization numbers, retrieve information about previous transactions, and perform setup and maintenance functions.

The following options are available:


The ECCPS credit and refund totals have been added to the following reports:


The Office Expert prompts you when credit card payments are scheduled to be processed.


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