Edit this series Changes applied here affect the block from the specified date until the ending date. For example, if you select the Lunch block and remove it, it will vanish from the book on every day the block exists. Use this option carefully to avoid deleting or changing important blocks.
Edit this block only Changes applied here affect only this one block on this one particular calendar date, and only in this one specific chair (column). For example, removing the Lunch block here only removes it for the selected date. The Lunch block remains on all other assigned days and chairs.
Edit this block in all chairs on this date Changes applied here affect only this one block on this one particular calendar date, but they take effect in every chair (column) on the entire page. For instance, removing the Lunch block here removes it completely from this page for this entire day, but it does not remove the block anywhere else on any other days.
Edit this block in all chairs for a range of dates This option enables you to make changes to all the chairs in the book, or to a certain selection of chairs, over a specified period of dates. For example, you can use this option to remove the Lunch block in all of the chairs for the next four days. Any dates which fall after the end date remain unchanged.