Printing Stand-Alone Envelopes

In the word processing module, you can print stand-alone patient, carrier, outside doctor, and staff envelopes, as well as responsible party envelopes.

To print stand-alone envelopes:

  1. Click the Word Processing button from the main menu. The Word Processing menu is displayed. Select Print Envelope.


Select Functions > Word Processing > Print Envelope from the menu bar. The Print Envelope menu is displayed.

  1. Select the appropriate addressee type. The lookup window for the addressee type is displayed.

  2. Select the addressee and click OK. The Print Options window is displayed.

  3. Select a printer and click OK. The envelope prints, and the lookup window for that addressee type is displayed again.

  4. If you select an envelope printer other than the current default, OrthoTrac displays the Default Printer prompt, which asks if you’d like to make this the default printer for this area. Click Yes to use this printer for future envelope printing.

  1. Select another addressee and print another envelope, or click Cancel to close the window.


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Printing Envelopes