Using Contact Experts and Office Expert > Using Contact Experts > Creating Contact Experts
You can create lists of responsible parties and search for specific responsible party information in patient lists.
To create a Contact Expert report using the responsible party fields:
Click the Contact Experts icon or select Functions > Contact Experts from the menu bar.
In the List of field, select Responsible Parties.
In the Sorted by field, select the sort option from the fields at the bottom of the window and the order in which to display the list.
You can sort only by fields that correspond to the type of list you are creating; for example, lists of patients can be sorted by patient or communications fields.
In the Search for fields, select Patient Fields, Communications Questions, or Responsible Party Fields.
Click the Where field, select a field option from the list at the bottom of the window, and select the conditions or criteria to apply to the search.
To change a search option, select it and click a new field in the list, or change the criteria you selected for that option. You can select up to eight fields. To delete a search option, select it and press Delete.
To save the search options, click Save and type a name for the saved search. Click OK.
To delete a saved search, click Load and in the Load Attribute Set field, select the saved options and click Delete.
Click Search. The search results are displayed in a list.