Set Up Partial Add

The Set Up Partial Add feature enables you to add patients to the system quickly by limiting the amount of patient information you must enter. Use the Set Up Partial Add option to determine which fields the cursor stops on when you are entering this minimal information in the Patient Add window, using the tab key.

To select the tab stops for the Patient Add window:

  1. Select Functions > Maintenance/Set-up > System Maintenance from the menu bar.

  2. In the System Maintenance window, select the Patient Add Options option button.

  3. In the Patient Add Options window, select the Set Up Partial Add option button.

  4. In the Patient Information and Responsible Party Information sections, select each field where you want the cursor to stop when moving around the window using the Tab key.

  5. Fields that you have not selected as tab stops can still be accessed by clicking on the fields with your mouse. Also, the fact that a field is selected does not mean that the field must be completed before you can add the patient.

  1. Click Select All Fields to select all the options, or click Deselect All, if all fields are selected.

  2. Click OK to save your changes, or click Cancel to close the window without saving.


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