Performing Insurance Functions > Automatic Claims
Following is a list of things to keep in mind when using automatic claims:
This process works best with simple contracts, since calculations are based on specific fields (a single responsible party and insurance split with equal payment amounts; no variable payments or first payment of $0).
If no carrier is attached to the responsible party, or the Carrier Ins Rank is 0, a claim is not created.
An automatic claim cannot be created after the contract has been set up. (Do not remove the contract and set it up again unless the contract is pending.)
Both pending and active contracts create a claim when requirements are met.
Claim entries can be edited prior to printing or transmitting.
In the Description of Services section on the claim, the lines designating Per Month and Per Quarter are estimated amounts. They should not be added together.
The Estimated Length of Treatment is the difference between the first and last month of the contract with the greatest spread.