Report |
Report Type |
Description |
Balancing Worksheet
Retrieves the accounts receivable from the last closed daysheet prior to the period you select, adds and subtracts all ledger transactions, and calculates the accounts receivable for the selected time period. This calculation is compared to the actual aged receivables for the period. If the values are not equal, the difference is printed at the bottom of the Balancing Worksheet. To resolve the discrepancy, review the daysheet printouts for the period. |
Selected Billing Types
Prints a list of patients with their contract status, bill type, and balance. You can select options to choose specific billing types, pay plan types, or contract types. There are also options to print only responsible party contracts, only insurance contracts, or both, as well as only responsible party pay plans, only insurance pay plans, or both. This report gives a synopsis of a patient’s account and enables you to view all pertinent information regarding a patient’s status, type, location, responsible party, insurance carrier, contract status, bill type, balance, statement code, and late charges. |
Statement Code/Late Charge
Produces a list of patients with their status, type, and location, as well as each patient’s responsible party. The report also prints the responsible party’s financially responsible status, bill type, balance, statement code, and late charge amount. The list can be filtered by responsible party, late charge, and statement code. |
Ledger Scan |
Prints a list of ledger transactions and amounts for a specified time period by patient or responsible party. You can select the transaction types to print on the report and filter the report so it yields only transactions belonging to the patient’s insurance, responsible party, or both. You can also specify whether the report should be for all locations and all doctors, or a particular location or doctor. The report options can be saved for future use. |
Coupon Books |
Enables you to print coupon books for selected patients or for all patients with unprinted coupon books. You can also select to reprint coupon books for the original contract or for future payments. For more information, see Printing Coupon Books. |
Contract Summary
Prints a list of patients and responsible parties with contract and pay plan information. You can select options to print for all bill types, responsible party contracts, or insurance contracts. The report has additional options to print totals by doctor, for only one location, print details and totals, or totals only. This report is used to anticipate revenue that will become due on a certain date, typically the next roll date. The detail report includes the patient’s due date, monthly charge amount, total balance, amount currently due, and number of days an account is overdue: 30, 60, or 90. The contract due day, risk code, contract description, amount, fee, and fee date are also included. |
Revenue Projection
Produces a spreadsheet detailing projected revenue for a specified period, based on an estimated number of new starts, contract amounts, monthly charges, initial fees, amount of additional charges per month, amount of visit charges per month, and % collected per month. You can run the report for all locations or a specific location, and for all doctors or a specific doctor. |
Accounts Receivable By |
Produces a list of patients and their balances, including the current and past due amounts. You can select to print this report by patient, responsible party, or insurance carrier. When auto payments are active on the account, a $ or local currency symbol is displayed to the right of the responsible party's name on the report. Use this report in conjunction with sending out monthly statements. You can print your Accounts Receivable report with the same options and parameters as your statement options. If you print the report by insurance carrier, you can see the status of the insurance payments. |
Responsible Party
Insurance Carrier
Suspicious Balances
Produces a list of accounts with balances that meet one or more of the following criteria:
Auto Payment
Auto Payment Reports |
Produces an Auto-Payment List showing all patients with auto payments entered for the selected date range, or a Reminder List, showing patients with reminder dates in a date range. The report can include posted and unposted payments, post-dated cheques, credit card drafts, and bank drafts. You can select to subtotal the report by responsible party, by auto-payment type, or by month. You can run the report for all locations or a specific location, and for all doctors or a specific doctor. |
Post Auto Payments |
Enables you to manually post auto payments and process online credit cards. |
Auto Payment Receipts |
Enables you to print batch receipts for all of the auto payments posted. |
QuickBooks Export
Enables you to export deposits and refunds to the QuickBooks software. |
Statements |
Statement Exception Report
Run this report prior to printing statements. The Statement Exception report checks all responsible parties who are set to receive a statement for missing or invalid data. If information is missing, the statement is not printed, and the responsible party name is printed on the report. You can use the report to correct the accounts. |
Generate Statements
Enables you to open the Statement Generation window, where you select criteria to specify which account statements you want to generate. |
Print/View Statements
Enables you to view or print generated statements, as well as transmit statements electronically. |
Individual Statement
Prints a statement for the responsible party and any patients for which he is responsible. Use this option if you want to print multiple individual accounts without having to open a Financial Functions window for each account. The report displays the OrthoTrac Responsible Party Lookup window after you print each responsible party’s statement. |
Daysheet |
Integrity Check
Verifies that financial transactions were correctly posted to the account ledger, totals, and daysheet. If there is a discrepancy, known as a Bad Integrity, you can print a report indicating the account/amount in question. You must contact your software support provider to resolve the Bad Integrity. |
Process Daysheet
Enables you to close the daysheet or balance transactions for a certain time period. Prints a list of the payments, contracts, charges, and adjustments posted in the office during a day or range of days. When printing the daysheet, you can include several options: transaction detail, daily totals, deposit slip, totals summary, and daily monitors. |
Quick View Daysheet
Enables you to perform most of the same functions as Process Daysheet, but you cannot close the daysheet. This option provides a faster view because the integrity check, daily totals, total summary, daily monitors, and close daysheet processes are disabled. The Quick View Daysheet option is typically used when multiple clerks post payments and need to balance their individual totals. |
View Archived Daysheets
Enables you to select a date range and view daysheets printed during that time period. |
Enables you to settle credit card transactions using the credit card service, an additional service. |
MTD Daysheet Report
Summarizes the information printed on the daily daysheet on a monthly basis and includes the Monthly Summary, Monitor Recap, Deposit Recap, and Monthly Totals reports. The report can be printed for a single month or a range of months. |
Financial Analysis
Enables comparison of monthly numbers. You can select any three years, include the year-to-date information for each category in each month, and select the type of graph to display and print for specific locations and doctors. |
Roll |
Roll Accounts
Applies periodic charges to patient accounts, ages the accounts (30-60-90), and applies late charges, where applicable. |
Print Roll Reports
Enables you to print a detailed or summary roll report. You can also print the current monthly roll or previous roll reports. |