Setting Up Contracts and Payment Plans

The Contracts and Payment Plans function enables you to enter and maintain contracts and payment arrangements. Four payment arrangement types are available:

The process for setting up any of the payment arrangement types begins in the Financial Functions — Contracts and Payment Plans window. More...

After a contract has become Active, you can change only the number and amount of uncharged contract payments. A Pending contract can be changed in any way or deleted.

The contract status is indicated in two ways.

To access the Financial Functions — Contracts and Payment Plans window:

  1. Click the Financial Functions button in the patient chart. The Financial Functions — Charges and Payments window is displayed.

  2. Click the Contracts and Payment Plans button. The Financial Functions — Contracts and Payment Plans window is displayed.


If you are working in another financial window, click the Contracts and Payment Plans button. The Financial Functions — Contracts and Payment Plans window is displayed.


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Setting Up a Contract

Setting Up a Contract with Insurance or Multiple Responsible Parties

Setting Up a Payment Plan

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Contract Restrictions

Transferring an Existing Balance to a Contract

Editing Contracts