The Image Chart window contains a chronological list located in the Table of Contents (also known as the tree) on the left side of the Image Chart window.
The Table of Contents displays:
Patient’s name
List of the patient’s visits
Objects associated with each visit
You can hide the Table of Contents to:
Expand the image workspace
Increase the display size of the images
To hide or display the Table of Contents, click on the toolbar.
Expanding and Collapsing Items
To expand an item in the Table of Contents, click the plus sign. To collapse an item, click the minus sign.
Selecting Objects
To select and view an object from the Table of Contents, choose the item. The image is displayed in the image workspace.
Refreshing the Table of Contents
To refresh the Table of Contents, right-click a patient name and select Refresh Table of Contents. Images recently added from other workstations are displayed for selection.
Additional menu items are active for certain connected hardware devices.