The Global Preferences window enables you to configure preferences for importing data, specifying background colors, displaying tabs, and other settings.
To access Global Preferences:
Select Start > All Programs > CS OMS Imaging > Set Global Preferences. The Global Preferences window is displayed.
The window includes the following sections:
You can configure the following Add/Import settings:
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options as the default import file type:
BMP (Windows Bitmap)
CMP (Imaging Format)
JPG (Jpeg)
MDC (Minolta)
PCX (Paintbrush)
PNG (Portable Network Graphic)
PSD (Adobe Photoshop)
TIF (Tagged Image Format)
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options as the default import gallery:
Profile & Ceph
Select this option to add the same visit type on the same date. The images are added to the existing visit.
Select this option to use more than one of the same object types in a visit. When you add objects of the same type, the duplicate objects have the same name as the original.
You can configure the following Color/View settings:
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options as the background color to display:
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options as the print color to display:
Select the following Gallery Edit options to customize your settings:
Show Grid LinesSelect this option to display grid lines in Gallery Edit mode.
Show Auto Size InstructionsSelect this option to display auto size instructions in Gallery Edit mode.
Show Auto Level InstructionsSelect this option to display auto level instructions in Gallery Edit mode.
Show FramesSelect this option to display frame borders in Gallery Edit.
Select from the following miscellaneous options:
Prevent Patient/Visit/Object Deletions
Select this option to disable the ability to delete patients, visits, and objects.
Hide patient name on email subject line
Select this option to remove the patient's name from the subject line in email. Type the text you want to display in the Alternative Subject line field.
You can configure the following CS X-Ray settings:
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following tooth numbering options:
FDI 2-Digit
Select this option to display the teeth from the inside looking out.
Select this option to assign a tooth number when acquiring an x-ray image.
If this option is selected, the system automatically provides a default tooth number for digital radiography x-ray images only.
If this option is deselected, no tooth number is assigned, and you must choose a number before saving.
You can configure the following Display settings:
Select this option to hide the frame containing your logo in the Imaging window.
Set the default treatment plan object to specify the object associated with the patient’s visit.
This object is also launched in the Planner Module.
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options as the default treatment plan object:
Ask:Select this option to specify the measurement size after launching the treatment module instead of using the default value.
X-Ray only:An x-ray image must exist in the patient’s visit to launch the planner module.
Photo and X-Ray:Both a photo image and an x-ray image must exist in the patient’s visit to launch the planner module.
Select each of the following options to display the specified tabs:
Lateral Treatment
Frontal Treatment
Sarver Module
You can configure the following Annotations settings:
To select a font color:
Click the ... button. The Color window is displayed.
Select a color and click OK.
Click the drop-down arrow to display a list of fonts. Select a font from the Font Name field to use as the displayed font for annotation.
Click the arrows to increase or decrease the numeric value in the Font Size field.
The default value for this field is 10.
To select a line color:
Click the ... button. The Color window is displayed.
Select a color and click OK.
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options as the line style for annotation:
Click the arrows to increase or decrease the numeric value in the Line Width field.
The default value for this field is 1.
To select a fill color:
Click the ... button. The Color window is displayed.
Select a color and click OK.
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options as the fill pattern for annotation:
Backward diagonal
Diagonal cross
Forward diagonal
To select a highlight color for annotation:
Click the ... button. The Color window is displayed.
Select a color and click OK.
Click the arrows to increase or decrease the numeric value in the Precision field. This setting adjusts the precision of the Ruler and Protractor tools.
The default value for this field is 2.
Click the arrows to increase or decrease the numeric value in the Magnify Size field. This setting adjusts the zoom size of the Magnifying Glass tool.
The default value for this field is 50.
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options as the shape of the Magnifying Glass tool:
Click the arrows to increase or decrease the numeric value in the Number of Undos field. This sets the number of actions you can undo.
The default value for this field is 5.
You can configure the following Data Collector settings:
Server NameEnter the Server Name.
PortEnter the Port.
You can configure the following Painting settings:
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options as the default file type for smile images:
BMP (Windows Bitmap)
CMP (Imaging Format)
JPG (Jpeg)
MDC (Minolta)
PCX (Paintbrush)
PNG (Portable Network Graphic)
PSD (Adobe Photoshop)
TIF (Tagged Image Format)
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options as the default region selection type:
BoxSelect this option to enable clicking and dragging to select a rectangular area.
FreehandSelect this option to enable clicking and dragging to select an irregularly-shaped area. Release the mouse button to complete the shape.
Magic WandSelect this option to enable clicking on an area to automatically select similar adjacent pixels.
Click the arrows to increase or decrease the numeric value in the Default Paint/Eraser Size field. This value adjusts the size of the Brush and Eraser tools.
The default value for this field is 10.
Click the arrows to increase or decrease the numeric value in the Smudge Size field. This value adjusts the range of the Smudge tool. A smaller range results in a more obvious smudge.
The default value for this field is 10.
Click the arrows to increase or decrease the numeric value in the Blend Threshold field. This value adjusts the pixel tolerance of the Magic Wand tool.
The default value for this field is 128.
To select the default foreground color used in paintings:
Click the ... button. The Color window is displayed.
Select a color and click OK.
To select the default background color used in paintings:
Click the ... button. The Color window is displayed.
Select a color and click OK.
To select the transparent color used in paintings:
Click the ... button. The Color window is displayed.
Select a color and click OK.
Select this option to save the position of the toolbox when exiting the software.
You can configure the following Morphing settings:
Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following morphing quality options:
Best (Slower)
Good (Medium)
Low (Faster)
Type a numeric value in this field to indicate the number of frames to display.
The default value for this field is 15.
Number of frames to pad at end
Type a numeric value in this field to indicate the number of frames to pad at the end.
The default value for this field is 2.
Select the following Advanced Settings options to customize your configuration:
StrengthType a numeric value in this field to adjust how much the soft tissue lines pull. The default value for this field is 1.5, which is normal; 0.5 is strong, and 10 is weak.
FalloffType a numeric value in this field to adjust how far the effect goes. The default value for this field is 3, which is normal; 1 is not far, and 5 is far.
Keep image edges frozenSelect this option to keep image edges frozen. This option is selected by default.
Click Apply to save your changes.
Click Exit.
Related Topics
Understanding the Image Chart Window