Creating a Superimposition

To superimpose two or more tracings:

  1. Click on a visit in the Table of Contents and click the Lateral Treatment tab or the Frontal Treatment tab. The Planner Module is displayed.

  2. Select a tracing from the Tracing menu on the toolbar.

  3. Click Superimposition Button and select the superimposition.  The Superimposition window is displayed.

  4. If only one tracing exists for the patient, a message is displayed, asking if you want to superimpose this tracing over a standard tracing. Click Yes to use a standard tracing.

If any necessary landmarks have not been entered, you are prompted to enter these landmarks.

  1. Select the tracings to superimpose from the list of existing tracings.

To superimpose a standard tracing, select the Use standard tracings option and select one or more tracings from the list of standard tracings.

  1. Original or pre-treatment tracings are displayed in black, interim tracings are displayed in blue, and post treatment tracings are displayed in red.

  2. Select an option from the drop-down list in the Anchor-Terminus field, or select an individual anchor and an individual terminus in the Anchor and Terminus fields.

  3. Click Apply to apply your selections. The tracings are superimposed on the patient’s profile photo image or frontal rest image.




Related Topics

Superimposing Tracings

Understanding the Standard Superimpositions

Understanding Standard Board Superimpositions

Printing Superimpositions