Acquiring RVG Images

To acquire RVG images:

  1. Click the RVG Acquisition button. The RVG Capture window is displayed.

  2. Select a capture mode.

Depending on your sensor, you might have the option to select a capture mode. The default value corresponds to the option you selected on the CS X-Ray tab of the CS OMS Imaging Preferences window. See Setting RVG Imaging Preferences for more information.

  1. If using a RVG 5000/6000 sensor, press the orientation button on the sensor.

A 90-second timer begins, and the RVG Capture Preview window is displayed, showing the orientation of the sensor.

  1. Press the exposure button for the x-ray tubehead. The x-ray image is displayed in the RVG Capture window.

  2. You can acquire multiple x-ray images by repeating steps 1 and 2.

  1. In the Visit field, select a visit from the drop-down list.

  2. To begin a new visit, click Create new visit. See Creating a New Visit for more information.

  3. In the Object field, select an object from the drop-down list. SEL is displayed next to objects that are currently selected.

  4. In the Teeth field, enter tooth numbers for the x-ray image. This field is required. If the Select Tooth Numbers option is set to automatically assign tooth numbers, the default value is 1 when using the Universal system or 11 when using the FDI 2-digit system.

  5. Click Apply to save the x-ray image to the patient's chart, apply all changes, and close the window.

  6. Click OK to close the window.

If you click Cancel before applying changes to all x-ray images, a window is displayed, prompting you to assign object types and visits to your x-ray images.

In the Table of Contents, a new branch named RVG X-rays is displayed. This branch automatically groups all digital radiography x-ray images for a particular visit and patient.




Related Topics

Using the RVG System

Getting Started with the RVG Sensor

Enhancing Digital Radiographic Images

Maintaining the Sensor