Working with Cephalometric Automatic Tracings

To modify a cephalometric automatic tracings template, follow these steps:

  1. View a cephalometric image in the Image Viewing Workspace or Darkroom mode.

  2. Click , then select Display Measurements to activate the Measurements list. See Using the Measurements List in the Image Viewing Workspace or Darkroom Mode.

  3. In the Measurements list, click .

  4. Do any of the following:

To change the template for the automatic tracings...

From the drop-down list, select a different template.

To generate a report...

Click the Generate Report button to generate a report of your cephalometric tracing. This generates a report as an HTML file which you can view and print from your browser.

To automatically recalculate all of the other related points, lines and structures...

Click Dynamically update.

To show the structure points (A)...

Click Show structures to show the points.

To show the landmark points (B)...

Click Show landmarks.

To show the cephalometric axis and plane lines (C)...

Click Show measurements.




Related Topics

Using Cephalometric Automatic Tracings

Creating a Cephalometric Automatic Tracing

Modifying Tracings

User-Defined Landmark Points

Using the Tracings Editor