Modifying Tracings

Once a cephalometric tracing has been calculated and drawn onto a cephalometric image, you can manually modify a tracing in the image.


 Important: If you have selected Dynamically update in the Measurements list and you modify a tracing directly on the cephalometric image, then the Undo (Ctrl + Z) tool is unavailable.

To modify the tracing on a cephalometric image, follow these steps:

  1. View the cephalometric image in the Image Viewing Workspace or Darkroom mode.

  2. In the Drawings & Annotations toolbar, click .

  3. Select a tracing element. Drawing handles are displayed.

  4. Click and drag different points of the drawing



  • Moving an object with links to other objects moves all related objects.

  • If you have selected Dynamically update in the Measurements list and you modify a tracing directly on the cephalometric image, then the Undo (Ctrl + Z) tool is unavailable.


Related Topics

Using Cephalometric Automatic Tracings

Creating a Cephalometric Automatic Tracing

Working with Cephalometric Automatic Tracings

User-Defined Landmark Points

Using the Tracings Editor