Adding Employment Information

The Employment section of the Provider/Staff Data Entry window provides general personnel information, salary and vacation information, and termination information.

To add employment information:

  1. On the Employment tab, in the General Information section, enter the staff member’s employee number in the Employee # field.

  2. In the Position field, type the staff member’s position in your practice.

  3. In the Office field, type or search for the office where the staff member is working.

  4. In the Department field, type or search for the department in which the staff member works.

  5. In the SSN field, enter the staff member’s Social Security number.

  6. In the History section, in the Start Date field, type the date the employee began employment.

  7. In the Next Review Date field, enter the next salary review date.

  8. In the Last Review Date field, enter the last salary review date.

  9. In the Total Sick Days and Sick Days fields, enter the staff member’s sick day information.

  10. In the Total Vacation Days and Vacation Days Used fields, enter the staff member’s vacation day information.

  11. In the Start Salary and Current Salary fields, enter the staff member’s salary information.

  12. In the Last Raise Date and Last Raise Amt fields, enter the staff member’s pay raise information.

  13. In the Termination Information section, in the Termination Date and Termination Reason fields, enter appropriate data if the staff member has been terminated.

  14. Click Ok.