Accessing Information in the Practice Central Window

You can access the following types of information from the Practice Central Window:


Click on a patient’s name anywhere in the window to open the Patient Workspace for that patient.


In the Appointment Type Summary Chart window:

To see a sample report, click here.

Insurance Processing Queue

Click the Insurance Processing Queue link. The Insurance Processing Queue window is displayed.
Click a claim number.

Contact Expert

Contact Experts assigned to you are displayed in the Practice Central window. Contact Experts assigned to All Users are not displayed in the Practice Central window.

Click My Contact Experts to open the Contact Expert window.
Click a specific Contact Expert item to open it.

Office Expert

Click the Office Expert link to open the Office Expert window.
Click a specific Office Expert item to open it.

Contact Note

Click Today’s Contact Notes to display the Contact Notes Report window.
Click a contact note to open the entry.

Optical Ticket

Click Optical Ticket Queue to open Optical Ticket Scanning Queue window.
Select a ticket and click Details to open the Details window for that ticket.