Creating an Encounter

Creating an encounter consists of entering information and details on various tabs on the Encounter window. You can have several encounters in progress; however, you can only open one Encounter window per patient appointment.

To create an encounter for a patient:

  1. In the Posting Type section, select the appropriate checkbox. By default, Actual Charges is always selected. To enter a PTE at the same time as actual charges, select the PTE Charges checkbox.

  1. In the Ticket field, select the ticket, if needed. The tickets available in the drop-down list are customized in the software. You can override the default, if needed.

  1. In the Insurance Billing section, select the appropriate category. The Insurance Billing category option defaults to either Dental First or Medical First, based on the setting in Practice Preferences.

  1. In the Service Information section, select the appropriate Provider, Office, Service Facility, and Department.