Defining Appointment Status Items

Appointment Status items enable you to track information about scheduled appointments that have been marked as cancellations or no shows or have been deleted.

To define an Appointment Status item:

  1. On the Experts tab, in the Office Expert Category field, select Appointment Status.

  2. Click New. The Appointment Status Report window is displayed.

  3. In the Include section, select the type of appointment information.

  4. In the Provider field, select the provider for which you want to view appointments.

  5. In the Office field, select an office location.

  6. Select Appt Date or Status Date.

  7. Click Search next to the From and To fields to select a range of dates to use. The Date Selection window is displayed.

  8. In the From and Thru fields, select beginning and ending dates from the drop-down lists.

  9. Click Ok to close the Date Selection window.

  10. Click Ok to close the Appointment Confirmation window.