Printing eServices Reports

Printing Available Reports

The number of reports available for each report type for any given day is displayed on the Electronic Services screen in the Report List window. You should use the PRINT ALL button to print all reports on the day you transmit your claims.

To print the available reports:

  1. From the SoftDent main menu, select Insurance > Electronic Services. The Electronic Services screen is displayed.

  2. Select Report Options > Reports, or click the Reports button on the right-hand side of the screen. The Report List window is displayed.

  3. Select the reports you want to print by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the file name of each report.  

  4. Click PRINT ALL.

  5. The Report List window is automatically displayed after a transmit or receive-only session.  

Printing Previous Reports

To print reports from a previous date:

  1. From the SoftDent main menu, select Insurance > Electronic Services. The Electronic Services screen is displayed.

  2. Select Report Options > Reports, or click the Reports button on the right-hand side of the screen. The Report List window is displayed.

  3. In the Date Range Start and End fields, click the drop-down arrows to select the start and end dates from a calendar. The reports for the requested date range are displayed in the top portion of the window.

  4. Select the reports you want to print by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the file name of each report.

  5. Click Print File or PRINT ALL.